Sunday, October 6, 2013

Poetry? No Thanks, I'm Full.

Ugh, I hate poetry.

Okay, I don't hate it, but knowing that I have a finite number of years of sightedness and no known proficiency for braille, I'd rather fix my eyes on something more enjoyable, like a good book with densely worded pages.

But, I'm in an MFA program and I'm taking a poetry craft and theory course and I hafta do a final project, so here it is. A blog. 

How positively 2006 of me.

Here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to blog every day for a month. Easy enough. I'm going to blog about the reading assignments and I'm going to try to find poems that make me feel some kinda way and see if I can't gain a finer appreciation for poetry.

There you have it.

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